Supplement the filtered water you drink: Remineralizing is essential for water filtered by RO reverse osmosis, as this process removes minerals and vitamins with the acid pollutants and contaminants.
More Multimineral ingredients: chlorine, manganese, sea minerals, himalayan salt, and magnesium chloride. This concentrated colloidal concen also contains electolrolites.
All-Natural Supplement by Nature: contains no added preservatives, flavors, sugar, or sweeteners. Vegan products. Non-GMO. Gluten-Free. cmd. Made in the USA in an NSF Certified Manufacturing Facility.
User-Friendly Liquid Drops: Utilize the precision glass dropper to incorporate 4 drops (0.25ml) daily into 17 Oz (0.5L) of water to rejuvenate your body and replenish essential minerals. The bottle provides a month’s worth of minerals. (1 Fl Oz)
No need for fasting, no need for detox, no oil, spray or powder substance, or element to your food. Just add a few multiminerlas complex drops to balance and complete your drinking remineralization.
Essential Blend Contains: 72 Organic Ionic Trace Minerals mix in varying amounts boost stamina, energy, youngevity and endurance. Waterdrop based on 3 pure power key electrolytes: Magnesium, Chloride, and (Low) Sodium.
Remineralizing Is Key: Get back to loving life with energy and balance. You, too, can experience a complete difference in how your body feels and works. Take your first step towards becoming a healthier YOU today.